Thursday, December 26, 2019

Post-Extraction Care

It’s scary to get a tooth removed, but in reality, it’s a very straightforward process. Complications are exceedingly rare. This is because Dr. Martin Urban of Martin Urban, DDS provides you with quality post-operative care! Following these instructions guarantees a healthy and successful recovery. If you require extraction or want to learn more, contact our office in Waltham, MA.


You put your entire health and procedure in danger when you neglect your recovery care. It’s possible to develop a dry socket or infection. When a tooth is removed, a blood clot forms in its place. This stops the bleeding and starts the healing process. A dry socket happens when the blood clot dissolves or dislodges. This means that it’s knocked out-of-place. Follow your post-operative care and this small guide to prevent this.


Your body has numerous responses to an injury. One of the most common is swelling. This isn’t any different when it comes to teeth extraction. To minimize the pain, utilize ice packs. Apply these to your face in 20-25 minute intervals. Continue doing this for two whole days or until the swelling goes down. Your Waltham, MA, assures that this is a great way to combat pain. If your tooth was infected before removal, a warm compress is better suited.


Don’t fret at the amount of bleeding after. Your head holds a large amount of your body’s blood. Keep pressure on the removal site for a minimum of 30 minutes. Holding the gauze in place will do the trick. Some patients prefer using tea bags to gauze. This is because tea contains tannic acid, a natural clotting agent. It restricts the blood vessels to lighten the bleeding.


It’s important not to eat or drink for at least two hours after your surgery. You also need to rest to avoid popping your stitches. Be very gentle when engaging in any physical activity. When you do eat, make sure these are soft foods. A few common examples are pudding, ice cream, jello, and mashed potatoes. Avoid acidic drinks like soda, along with harder foods like popcorn or peanuts.


Following these guidelines is the best way to recover. If you have any questions or concerns before or after an extraction, contact Martin Urban, DDS. To schedule an appointment with Dr. Martin Urban, visit his website or call 508-425-9640.

Thursday, December 19, 2019


All patients are welcome at Martin Urban, DDS. Located in Waltham, MA, Dr. Martin Urban treats pediatric dental conditions. This includes the problem known as Fluorosis. This happens when a child is exposed to large amounts of fluoride. Though it isn’t harmful, it stains the teeth with white, thin streaks. With all health concerns, prevention is the key! Learn how you can stop Fluorosis in its tracks.


Children are the only ones who have fluorosis. This is due to it only affecting the developing teeth. Once they erupt from the gum line, children are no longer at risk. Fluoride naturally occurs in our water supply and is not a dangerous mineral. Your child requires a dental examination because it possibly indicates that they are ingesting too much fluoride.


The best way to deter fluorosis in children under the age of three is through breastfeeding. It provides all the nutritional sustenance that a child needs. As mentioned, we ingest the majority of our fluoride through drinking water. Most baby formulas require you add in water. This is what puts them at risk for fluorosis. There are other ways a small child develops this condition. Pay attention to how much toothpaste they are using. Your Waltham, MA, dentist recommends brushing your child’s teeth as soon as they start emerging. Yet children under the age of three shouldn’t use more than a grain of rice worth of toothpaste. Following these suggestions keep your child’s teeth healthy and happy!


Your child must start brushing twice daily once they reach three years old. Again, it’s important to monitor how much toothpaste they are using. It should never be more than a pea-sized amount each time. Double-check that they are spitting out the toothpaste and not swallowing it. This is also the reason that other dental products, like mouthwash, aren’t recommended for children under the age of six.


If you have any questions or are worried that your child has fluorosis, contact Martin Urban, DDS. To schedule an appointment with Dr. Martin Urban, visit his website or call 508-425-9640.

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Tooth Extraction Site Preservation

Sometimes pulling teeth is a necessary procedure for overcrowding in the mouth or infection due to tooth decay. It isn’t a procedure to be taken lightly. Like wisdom teeth removal where they are located in the back of the mouth and sutures are used, the tooth extraction site essentially becomes an open wound, one that needs to be monitored and given time to heal. We at Martin Urban, DDS understand that getting a tooth pulled isn’t very fun, but we are committed to making the procedure and healing process as comfortable as we can for our patients. 

If you ever think your healing process doesn’t feel normal, you should contact your dentist. Signs of complications include:

- Cough, shortness of breath, or chest pain

- Severe nausea or vomiting

- Redness, swelling, or excessive discharge from the extraction site

- Signs of infection, such as fever and chills

Something else to keep in mind when removing teeth is what to do with that open space once it has healed. If a tooth is removed and nothing is done to the extraction site, your jaw bone will degenerate and change shape while the site heals. This can create problems in your bite and may affect chewing and speaking. Make sure you and your dentist come up with a plan to fill this space.

Martin Urban, DDS practices at 976 Main St. in Waltham, MA 02453. For more information on tooth extractions or to schedule an appointment, please visit or call 508-425-9640.


Thursday, November 28, 2019

Crown Lengthening

Do you feel like you have a “gummy” smile? In other words, are your teeth covered by excess gum tissue? We at Martin Urban, DDS are committed to helping our patients feel confident and happy with their smiles. We are excited to offer crown lengthening to bring out the fullness of your teeth!

The crown lengthening procedure involves reshaping your gum line as well as the bone around the affected tooth or teeth, creating a more balanced gum to tooth ratio. The great thing about crown lengthening is that it can be performed on as many or as little affected teeth there are in the patient’s mouth. One tooth with excess gum tissue can be reshaped or a whole gum line can be reshaped, depending on the patient.

In addition to your smile becoming more aesthetically pleasing, crown lengthening also improves the overall health of your gums. The edge of the restoration is sturdy enough to withstand brushing and flossing to prevent tooth decay and gum disease. 

Not sure if this procedure is right for you? We are happy to address any concerns or answer any questions that you have! Martin Urban, DDS is located at 976 Main St. in Waltham, MA 02453. For more information about our crown lengthening procedure or to schedule an appointment, you can visit or call 508-425-9640.


Thursday, November 21, 2019

Senior Dental Care

At Martin Urban, DDS, we treat patients of all ages, especially senior citizens. Dr. Martin Urban of Waltham, MA, provides excellent dental care. It’s important to take good care of your teeth as you age. Older individuals are at a higher risk of oral complications, including extraction, tooth decay, and periodontal (gum) disease. Elderly patients often need more frequent visits to stay healthy. Contact our office today to set up your appointment.


One of the best things you can do for your mouth, especially when you’re in your golden years, is investing in an electric toothbrush. These clean your teeth while requiring minimal physical effort. This is perfect for patients who struggle with mobility. It cleans your mouth without jeopardizing your physical wellbeing.


We have other tips for those who struggle with physical activity. Try elongating the handle of your toothbrush. This way you can easily reach your back molars and harder areas. Look around your home for a few simple materials. Specifically, foam, rubber, or even tongue depressors. Wrap these around your toothbrush handle closer to its end. You should now have a longer toothbrush! Brushing your teeth should be much easier now.


If you live or take care of an older individual, your help is important too! Gently remind them to brush twice a day and floss as well. If they have problems with physical tasks, assist them. You can also offer to give them rides to their dental appointments or even schedule them for them. Your Waltham, MA, dentist knows that dental care is expensive. That’s why many communities offer public health programs for older patients. They offer discounted or even free services for senior citizens. Reach out to your local social services or public health office to learn more.


Martin Urban, DDS is located in Waltham, MA. To schedule an appointment with Dr. Martin Urban, visit our website or call 508-425-9640.

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Cleaning Your Tongue

It’s a common misbelief that for a healthy mouth you should focus on your gums and teeth. In reality, cleaning your tongue is just as important! At Martin Urban, DDS, Dr. Martin Urban recommends using a tongue cleaner. These are small dental appliances that brush your tongue. Use them to remove harmful bacteria and coatings from the tongue’s surface. At our office in Waltham, MA, using these appliances improves your breath and overall dental health!


There’s no reason to be nervous about using a tongue scraper. It’s a quick and easy process! First, begin by placing the applicator towards the back of your tongue. Don’t put it so far back that it activates your gag reflex. Then move the device forward, scraping along the way. Rinse the device off once you reach the tip. Repeat this process multiple times until the coatings are gone.


It’s important to note that there are many reasons your tongue is coated. There’s no need to panic. A few examples are yeast infections, smoking, dry mouth, medications, and other oral health conditions. A tongue cleaner solves any of these problems. It removes the dangerous pathogens and dead cells from your mouth. If you notice continual or frequent coatings, especially ones that don’t seem to improve, then schedule an appointment with your Waltham, MA, dentist.


Besides the listed health improvements, recent studies show that tongue cleanings improve your sense of taste. You’ll notice a difference in your breath and health. Fewer bacteria lowers your risk of tooth decay.


Remember to always use your device with caution. It can injure your tongue if used improperly. Use the appropriate amount of force when scraping.


At Martin Urban, DDS, your health is our top concern. If you’re interested in learning more about cleaning your tongue, talk to our team today! We’ll provide you with any information you need. To schedule an appointment with Dr. Martin Urban at our office in Waltham, MA, visit our website or call 508-425-9640.

Friday, November 8, 2019

Diabetes Awareness Month

November marks National Diabetes Awareness Month. As a dental practice that specializes in implants and periodontal disease, diabetes education is especially important to us at the Massachusetts practices of Dr. Martin Urban. Diabetes is closely linked to gum inflammation, and people who have it need to understand that they are at greater risk in order to protect themselves.

People with high blood sugar are especially prone to developing inflammation. This means that their gum tissue will have a more extreme response to the acid normally produced by oral bacteria as they metabolize sugar. In people with uncontrolled blood sugar, it is also more common for gingivitis to develop into periodontal disease, which means that their gums recede and they will eventually lose jaw bone tissue. While this would be a serious problem for anybody, research also indicates that diabetes and periodontal disease exist in a vicious circle, with the toxins resulting from periodontal disease making it harder for the body to regulate blood sugar.

Regular brushing and flossing are essential for controlling the population of oral bacteria. People with diabetes should especially be on the look-out for gingivitis symptoms such as swelling and bleeding gums. Regular dental cleanings, which break up plaque and remove infected material from below the gum line, will help people with difficulty controlling their blood sugar to avoid the more advanced stage of gum disease. We can also provide prosthetic teeth to people who have already suffered from periodontitis.

To schedule an appointment with Dr. Martin Urban, call 508-425-9640 or visit us at Martin Urban DDS.


Saturday, November 2, 2019

Gum Abscesses

Replacing teeth is our specialty at the Massachusetts offices of Dr. Martin Urban. Although a tooth may be lost to an acute injury, many fall out or have to be removed due to progressive gum disease. We don’t want this to happen to our patients, especially if they’ve already lost some teeth and are at increased risk for recurring periodontal infections, so we wanted to discuss the dangers and treatments for a gum abscess.

An abscess is where pus from a bacterial infection gathers. Gingival abscess are those that form at the gum line, while periodontal abscesses are more advanced and form deep within the gum pocket. As they build up, more of the gum wall will pull away from the tooth root, leaving a tooth less stable. Abscesses cause pain, sensitivity, swelling, and bad breath, and they are often accompanied by a fever and difficulty opening the mouth. They are emergencies and patients should not attempt to self-medicate them.

During an examination, we will determine the extent of an infection and whether a root canal is necessary. If only the gum material is infected, we will make an incision to drain the pus and cut away infected material. If the tooth is natural we will smooth its root in a process called planing to make it harder for bacteria to recolonize. The patient will be given painkillers and a recommended regimen of antibiotics. If an abscess is caught in time, the patient may be spared loss of jaw bone tissue and be able to keep the tooth.

To schedule an appointment with Dr. Martin Urban, call 508-425-9640 or visit us at Martin Urban DDS.


Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Tips for a Tooth-Friendly Halloween

Sweet, sticky candy is everywhere this time of year, and people are naturally having a harder time maintaining their oral health. While the rest of the holiday season isn’t as candy-oriented as Halloween, it does abound with sweets and present similar challenges. We’re particularly concerned with fighting gum disease here at the Massachusetts dental offices of Dr. Martin Urban, and we have many patients who want to preserve their prosthetic teeth. Therefore, we thought we’d provide a guide to a tooth-friendly Halloween.

Implants are strong structures. They integrate with a patient’s jaw bone structure and artificial crowns are cemented onto them. But patients with dentures and partial crowns should still exercise reasonable caution about eating sticky candy. Better options include chewy sweets, such as those made with peanut butter or chocolate. These foods still have high sugar content, but even foods with low amounts of sugar or complex sugars will fuel decay if they are allowed to linger in the mouth for too long. Patients should quickly dislodge food debris by brushing and flossing shortly after meals. They should also limit their time eating candy to meals, when they will be producing a large amount of saliva. Sugary drinks such as apple cider are also an oral health hazard, so patients should be drinking plenty of water to wash away sugary residue.

To schedule an appointment with Dr. Martin Urban, call 508-425-9640 or visit us at Martin Urban DDS.


Saturday, October 19, 2019

Lip Care in Cold Weather

As the weather cools and we head into the winter, many people are struggling with chapping on their lips. This isn’t just painful or inconvenient, although that would be bad enough. Lip damage can lead to dry mouth and create problems for oral health. People who have recently undergone procedures such as implant placement and are drooling more than normal can be especially impacted. So to help our patients maintain good oral health, we at Dr. Martin Urban’s Massachusetts dental practice wanted to provide guidance on lip care.

Our lips become chapped because of the low moisture content in cold air. But if we add moisture to them by licking or chewing on them, that moisture will evaporate, leaving them even more chapped. Instead, we should use balm to lock moisture in. When picking a balm, it is important to avoid spice, eucalyptus, menthol, or salicyclic acid, as these often cause inflammation and can further burn pre-existing fissures. By contrast, chemicals like titanium oxide and zinc oxide will provide protection against sun damage. Other good options include balm derived from mineral oils.

Balm has to be applied throughout the day and before a person goes to bed. Other lip care strategies include staying hydrated and using a humidifier in the bedroom, at a desk, and anywhere else we spend a lot of time. It is also tempting to take long showers this time of year, but this will likely increase chapping on the lips and the rest of the body.

To schedule an appointment with Dr. Martin Urban, call 508-425-9640 or visit us at Martin Urban DDS.


Thursday, October 10, 2019

Causes of Filling Failure

As specialists in dental restorations, we at the offices of Dr. Martin Urban want our patients’ new teeth to last. When properly cared for, implants, artificial crowns, and fillings can last for over ten years. But there are some newly discovered factors that put people at elevated risk for premature filling failure, which is why we want patients to know if they need to be especially attentive to their oral hygiene.

According to a new recent study, smokers and people who frequently drink alcohol are likelier to experience a filling failure after just two years. This adds to the high number of oral health problems smokers face, which include gum recession, tooth discoloration, and higher rates of oral cancer. The study also found a possible genetic influence on filling loss, suggesting that people with a family history of poor dental health are at risk even if they don’t adapt a lifestyle that is riskier for their oral health. However, filling and implant failure are still rare events when the patient engages in regular oral hygiene.

Another finding was that composite resin fillings do not have higher failure rates than amalgam fillings. This means that mercury-free, naturally colored prosthetics are viable alternatives, and that patients suffer no drawbacks from having amalgam fillings replaced with prosthetics that are healthier and more aesthetically pleasing.

To schedule an appointment with Dr. Martin Urban, call 508-425-9640 or visit us at Martin Urban DDS.


Friday, October 4, 2019

Retained Baby Teeth

As a dental office that specializes in implants and periodontology, we at the practice of Dr. Martin Urban have seen some unusual conditions. Among those are patients who have retained their baby teeth past puberty. This often results in a need for replacement teeth, so we wanted people to know what options are available for their assistance.

Deciduous teeth, or baby teeth, usually fall out when the incoming adult tooth causes the baby tooth’s root to dissolve. This may not happen if the adult tooth never developed or if it is coming in at an unusual angle. Usually, if a patient has both the adult and deciduous versions of the same teeth, it is the lower central incisors or upper canines that are affected. The upper lateral incisors are the teeth that are likeliest to be missing. Either way, a patient’s teeth are will be jumbled, and they may also be overcrowded or misaligned enough to cause bite problems.

Usually, extracting retained baby teeth is a simple process. Once they are out, a patient may be referred for orthodontic therapy to correct their adult teeth’s alignment. If they need prosthetic adult teeth, the orthodontist will make space for them, and we can place implants in the newly opened gaps.

To schedule an appointment with Dr. Martin Urban, call 508-425-9640 or visit us at Martin Urban DDS.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Asthma and Oral Health

If you suffer from asthma, you may be at heightened risk for developing gum disease. We at the dental offices of Dr. Martin Urban have helped a lot of people to manage dry mouth and resulting symptoms such as tooth decay, gum recession, and bad breath. To assist asthma patients with their preventive care, we wanted to explain why it is so important for them to take steps to prevent dry mouth-related damage.

People who have difficulty breathing through their noses often resort to breathing through their mouths, particularly when asleep. This is a problem for oral health because saliva does more than wash away sugary food debris. It also neutralizes acid that is produced by bacteria, regurgitated from the stomach, or in drinks such as soda and citrus juices. Furthermore, saliva contains enzymes that kill disease-causing bacteria and fungus.

Mouth-breathing is not the only reason people with asthma may experience higher levels of dry mouth. A reduction in saliva flow is also a common medication side effect. Patients should not stop using medication without a doctor’s recommendation, but they should ask about alternatives. They may stimulate saliva production by chewing sugar-free gum or using a prescription-strength throat moisturizer. Patients should also be aware that inhaler medication may contain sugars that will fuel bacteria growth, so they should brush their teeth after using it.

To schedule an appointment with Dr. Martin Urban, call 508-425-9640 or visit us at Martin Urban DDS.


Saturday, September 21, 2019

Missing Incisors

Implants are one of our specialties at the dental office of Dr. Martin Urban. Although they are often marketed as replacement teeth, they also work for people whose teeth never came in at all.  This condition is rare, but we still wanted to discuss what kinds of treatments are available.

It is relatively common for the wisdom teeth and upper canines to have trouble erupting, but in about 2% of adults, the upper lateral incisors never come in. (Lateral incisors are the flat teeth on either side of the central ones.) When they are unable to erupt, we can cut away the gum tissue covering them, allowing an orthodontist to attach brackets to them and guide them down with wires. But if the teeth simply never developed, the orthodontist would have to make room for them by opening gaps between the existing teeth.

The circumstances of a patient’s condition will determine whether implants or a partial denture should be used to provide them with incisors. Implants require a bit of jaw bone tissue to work with, but they won’t have to be adjusted as the patient ages. Many people also find them easier to clean. If a patient does get a partial denture, they may still benefit from miniature implants to snap it onto, ensuring that it will remain in place and their jaw tissue will have additional support.

To schedule an appointment with Dr. Martin Urban, call 508-425-9640 or visit us at Martin Urban DDS.


Saturday, September 14, 2019

Causes of Bad Breath

Bad breath, or halitosis, isn’t just embarrassing. If it chronically recurs, it could be a sign of poor health. We’re very concerned with any sign of oral health problems at the dental office of Dr. Martin Urban, and we want our patients to understand why halitosis is something they should take seriously.

Poor hygiene is the most common reasons for halitosis. Bacteria can hide between the teeth, behind the back molars, and in the papillae of the tongue. Proper hygiene requires thorough flossing, brushing for two minutes twice a day, and use of a tongue scraper. People are particularly vulnerable to bacteria build-up on their tongue when nasal discharge is dripping onto it. If they have dry mouth, they are deprived of the antimicrobial enzymes saliva contains and will have a harder time ridding their mouths of food debris.

Dry mouth is a common side effect of medications, including ones for mood disorders and ADHD and those which are given as part of cancer treatment. While patients should not change their medications on their own, they should ask their doctor about alternatives if dry mouth is contributing to caries or gum recession People should also pay especially close attention to their breath if they have diabetes, since diabetes-induced hardening of blood vessels harms gum health. It is also possible for bad breath to be caused by acid reflux, which would eventually erode enamel. Patients can somewhat mitigate all of these by drinking more water and getting fluoride topical treatments.

To schedule an appointment with Dr. Martin Urban, call 508-425-9640 or visit us at Martin Urban DDS.


Saturday, September 7, 2019

Alzheimer's and Gum Disease

As periodontal specialists, we at the dental office of Dr. Martin Urban recognize how important healthy gums are for the entire body. Recent research has established connections between gum disease and diabetes, cirrhosis, and rheumatoid arthritis. Now, evidence is building that gum disease contributes to yet another common disease with life-threatening implications. We want our patients to know that good dental health could protect them from Alzheimer’s.

One of the species of oral bacteria that causes gum recession is Porphyromonas gingivalis. These bacteria protect themselves from white blood cells by producing toxic enzymes called gingipains. In one recent study, scientists found that people who displayed symptoms of Alzheimer’s had elevated levels of gingipains in their brains and neural fluid, with higher levels being found among people with worse symptoms. Gingipains are known from animal testing to be able to trigger the formation of neural plaque.

Another recent study found direct evidence of P. gingivalis moving from the gums to the brain in people who were still alive. Although doctors caution that this does not mean gum disease is the only contributor to Alzheimer’s, it does now appear to be a significant one. Previously, scientists had believed that Alzheimer’s was causing people to have bad oral hygiene, but the two now appear to function as a vicious circle. People who take good care of their teeth and gums may be able to avoid the cycle.

To schedule an appointment with Dr. Martin Urban, call 508-425-9640 or visit us at Martin Urban DDS.


Saturday, August 31, 2019

Types of Teeth

Implants and periodontal therapy are our specialties at the dental office of Dr. Martin Urban. But to understand the full range of their treatment options, patients must first understand the basic function of their teeth. Adults normally grow thirty-two in total, and each type can have different issues.

The four teeth in the front of the mouth are called incisors. Their flat shape makes them useful for forming speech and they are the focus of most cosmetic care. In a small number of people, the upper lateral incisors may be missing, or the baby versions of the bottom central incisors may fail to fall out as their adult replacements come in. Framing the incisors are the cuspids, or canine teeth, which are sharp and used for piercing. They occupy the part of the jaw arch with the greatest change in rate of curvature and help to maintain facial stability.

The molars and premolars have multiple cusps and are used for grinding food. The premolars only have a single tooth root, but the lower molars have two and the upper ones have three. Wisdom teeth, the molars furthest in back, are often removed in teenagers because of their difficulty erupting and are generally not replaced. Molars are anchored by strong ligaments and are the only teeth capable of withstanding the pressure of chewing. But even they can crack if subjected to grinding during the patient’s sleep.

To schedule an appointment with Dr. Martin Urban, call 508-425-9640 or visit us at Martin Urban DDS.

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Denture Stomatitis

We’ve placed a lot of prosthetic teeth at the dental office of Dr. Martin Urban. Many of them were dentures, which may have been attached to implants or allowed to rest on the gum ridges. In either case, we always encourage our patients to maintain their oral hygiene, because if they don’t, they will be at risk of developing denture stomatitis.

Candida species of yeast are always in the mouth, but they are not usually able to cause harm. Saliva contains enzymes that combat them, and people are usually able to keep their teeth clear of debris. But when someone has an upper denture adhered to the roof of their mouth, saliva may not be able to reach the top of the denture. This would allow a yeast infection to develop, creating the red sores we call stomatitis.

A patient isn’t always able to feel when sores have developed, so they need to do frequent examinations of their mouth. An infection is likelier to occur when the dentures are the wrong size, which can also lead to saliva pooling at the corners of the mouth and causing chapping. People with diabetes or who use inhalers are also at increased risk for stomatitis. Patients with dentures should remember to brush the inside of their mouth before putting their dentures in each morning and to make sure that they’re clearing debris away from implant abutments. They should also stay hydrated and might want to consider mouthwash.

To schedule an appointment with Dr. Martin Urban, call 508-425-9640 or visit us at Martin Urban DDS.


Saturday, August 17, 2019

White Spot Lesions

Have you ever noticed odd, chalky white spots on your teeth? Those are signs that enamel is under attack from acid, and if the white spot persists, it means the tooth is in danger of developing a cavity. Dr. Martin Urban’s dental office specializes in restorations and treating gum disease, but we also value prevention and want our patients to recognize early symptoms of tooth decay.

Before enamel is lost entirely, it will weaken and lose some of its comprising minerals. This is when it will appear chalky white. The acid causing the demineralization could be a result of acid reflux disease, but in these cases the chalky discoloration will form a distinctive pattern on the upper back molars. More often, the acid is coming from infectious bacteria, which secrete it as a by-product of metabolizing sugar. The longer sugar remains on the teeth, the more of it bacteria will be able to consume and the more acid they will produce.

A white spot can turn into a cavity in the span of a month. Patients should take them as a sign they need to do more brushing, although not so hard that they damage their gum tissue. They may want to try extra-fluoridated toothpaste and improving their technique. We can help a patient to determine whether a white spot is being caused by an active infection. We also do deep cleanings to remove plaque from the gum pockets, where patients are unable to see it.

To schedule an appointment with Dr. Martin Urban, call 508-425-9640 or visit us at Martin Urban DDS.


Friday, August 9, 2019

Repairing Cracked Teeth

A cracked tooth is an emergency that demands immediate treatment. At the dental office of Dr. Martin Urban, one of our specialties is removing and replacing teeth with durable, attractive prosthetics. Different kinds of implants, crowns, and smaller prosthetics exist for a wide variety of situations relating to the extent of the injury and the patient’s overall condition.

Small cracks are known to dentists as “craze lines” and are considered a cosmetic issue. They, as well as chipping, may be covered with bonding. Like the fillings for cavities, these prosthetics are shaped as they are applied. Larger restorations, such as a crown or partial crown, will have to be shaped based on a physical or digital impression of the patient’s teeth. If a crack went into the pulp, a patient might be referred for a root canal prior to having their crown replaced in order to protect them from infection.

Cracked crowns can be replaced, but if a crack went into the tooth’s root, the entire tooth will have to be removed. Options for replacing it include implants, removable dentures, and fixed bridges in cases when more than one tooth is damaged. Implants that have become unstable also need to be replaced. To avoid cracking their teeth, patients are advised to wear mouthguards during sports and night guards if they clench their jaws in their sleep. They should also avoid using their front teeth for chewing or as tools.

To schedule an appointment with Dr. Martin Urban, call 508-425-9640 or visit us at Martin Urban DDS.


Friday, August 2, 2019

Mouthguard Usage

Mouthguards are essential for good dental health. At the office of Dr. Martin Urban, we specialize in restorations and often assist people who chipped or lost teeth in sports-related accidents. It’s a shame whenever restored teeth are further damaged by preventable emergencies, so we want our patients to understand the basics of their mouthguard options and how to maintain these crucial oral appliances.

Athletic stores sell one-size-fits-all mouthguards that offer basic protection. People are better off using these than nothing at all, but some people find that their bulkiness obstructs their breathing. Better-fitted mouthguards avoid this problem. Although there are options for having a mouthguard custom-fitted, people whose teeth are still shifting rapidly, such as teenagers and people undergoing orthodontic therapy, might prefer a boil-and-bite model. These models can be adjusted each month at orthodontic examinations and may be shaped to slide over braces.

Formal athletic associations require athletes to wear mouthguards as appropriate, with people who wear braces sometimes being required to wear both upper and lower mouthguards. Dentists also recommend that people wear mouthguards whenever they go jogging, cycling, or skating. Mouthguards and their containers should be cleaned with antibacterial soap and patted dry after each use. Like dentures, they need to be kept out of extreme temperatures to avoid cracking or warping.

To schedule an appointment with Dr. Martin Urban, call 508-425-9640 or visit us at Martin Urban DDS.


Saturday, July 27, 2019

Pregnancy and Gingivitis

Dr. Martin Urban is specially trained to treat patients suffering from gum disease. While it is important for everybody to maintain their oral hygiene, one group suffers from particularly high rates of gum inflammation: pregnant women. Since this population is especially vulnerable, we want them to understand what they should expect and how we are able to help.

Inflammation is how the body reacts to the threat of disease. When bacteria in the gum pockets secrete acid, the gums become inflamed, making cell membranes more permeable to antibodies and preventing the toxins from spreading. But inflammation also makes gums sore, discolored, and easily bruised, resulting in bleeding. When a woman is pregnant (or going through menopause), her body produces large amounts of a hormone called progesterone. This hormone triggers new blood vessel growth and increases blood flow to the gums. As a result, they are much more sensitive to oral bacteria and become inflamed more easily.

There is always a possibility that gingivitis will progress into periodontitis and threaten the integrity of gum tissue. However, this can usually be avoided through regular brushing and flossing. Pregnant women may want to stick to toothpaste for sensitive teeth, but they should be vigilant about removing food debris and acid. We can help them by providing deep cleanings to the gum pockets and using localized anti-bacterial medicines. We can also show them proper brushing and flossing techniques and examine bumps that sometimes develop in gum tissue during pregnancy

To schedule an appointment with Dr. Martin Urban, call 508-425-9640 or visit us at Martin Urban DDS.


Wednesday, July 17, 2019


Our staff at Dr. Martin Urban, DDS advises our younger patients to get sealants to protect their molars. Sealants are a plastic coating on the chewing surfaces of the molar to prevent tooth decay. Tooth decay is the most common chronic disease among children despite being preventable. It can be difficult for children to brush their molars effectively because of their location.  Sealants help to keep their molars clean and healthy for when their permanent molars come in.

Sealants are applied with a liquid adhesive that is painted right on your tooth. The liquid then hardens and creates a barrier between your tooth and any plaque or bacteria that can be damaging to your teeth. After sealants are applied, they last for about 10 years and can be replaced when necessary.

It is important to protect your children’s molars at a young age so their permanent teeth develop smoothly and are healthy.

If you have any questions or concerns, please give us a call. To learn more about the treatment provided at the dental practice of Dr. Martin Urban, DDS, visit for more information. To schedule an appointment with Dr. Martin Urban, DDS in Boston, MA, call 508-425-9640 

Wednesday, July 3, 2019

Canker Sores

Canker sores are small, shallow ulcers that appear in your mouth and make it difficult for you to eat and talk. The cause of canker sores isn't known although stress is thought to trigger the ulcers. When possible, we encourage our patients at Dr. Martin Urban, DDS to avoid foods that have citrus and acidic. Some foods to avoid when you have an ulcer include lemons, oranges, apples, and tomatoes.

Some symptoms that you may have a canker sore include pain on your tongue or the inside of your cheeks and if you feel a burning sensation. Canker sores are circular and are usually white or gray with a red edge.

If you do get a canker sore, we encourage you to rinse your mouth out with hot salt water a couple of times a day to help with recovery. If you still have a canker sore after 1-2 weeks we advise you to make an appointment with us.

If you have any questions or concerns, please give us a call. To learn more about the treatment provided at the dental practice of Dr. Martin Urban, DDS, visit for more information. To schedule an appointment with Dr. Martin Urban, DDS in Boston, MA, call 508-425-9640 

Saturday, June 29, 2019

Baby Bottle Tooth Decay

Adult teeth, by nature, are much stronger than baby teeth. That’s why children always seem to get more cavities than adults. Some parents feel that their children's oral health isn’t as important, due to the fact that baby teeth will eventually fall out. This isn’t at all true. The good dental habits taught now will be with them for the rest of their lives. Dr. Martin Urban of Waltham, MA, recommends partaking in pediatric dental care to avoid Baby Bottle Tooth Decay.


What exactly is Baby Bottle Tooth Decay? It’s tooth decay, also known as cavities, that can affect babies, infants, and other young children. Cavities are formed when a surplus of bacteria develop in the mouth. This is often due to sugary substances left on the teeth. Your child's bottle contains the biggest source. The American Dental Association recommends only filling bottles with breast milk, formula, or milk. Do not give your children drinks that are high in sugar like sugar-water, juice, and soft drinks. Older children should primarily drink water, as it contains fluoride. This greatly reduces the risk of developing cavities.


Tooth decay is also caused by moisture. Avoid giving your child access to a bottle during the night. Pacifiers are another great conduit for germs. Make sure to wash them properly. Do not dip them in substances like honey.


Bacteria are commonly introduced to a child by the mother. Your saliva contains harmful pathogens. Resist the need to share food, clean pacifiers with your mouth, or engage in unnecessary mouth-to-mouth contact.


Schedule your infant's dental appointment with Dr. Martin Urban. It’s recommended that the first dental examination be done as soon as the child gets their first tooth or turns one. Learn more by visiting our office in Waltham, MA. To schedule your appointment, visit our website or call 508-425-9640.

Wednesday, June 19, 2019


Extractions and gum disease are of particular interest to us at Dr. Martin Urban’s Waltham dental practice. Sometimes, extractions need to be done to prevent or combat periodontal disease, particularly in cases described as “pericoronitis.” This term describes infection of gum tissue surrounding a dental crown that is impacted.

Impacted teeth are those that are unable to fully erupt. This is a common risk with wisdom teeth, which are the largest teeth and the last to come in. There is often not enough room for them, leaving them stuck only partially erupted. In some cases, a portion of the tooth is still covered by a flap of gum tissue, which is called an operculum. The space between the operculum and the tooth becomes an ideal hiding place for bacteria, causing gum infections that can easily get out of control.

A partially-erupted tooth will likely prove difficult to clean. A patient can swish warm saltwater in their mouth as an anti-bacterial measure and can take oral antibiotics, but in the long term, oral surgery may be necessary. We may cut away an operculum, but the impacted tooth will probably continue to cause misalignment until it, too, is removed. In younger patients, it may be possible for an orthodontist to use braces to guide an impacted tooth into place after some of the gum tissue covering it has been cut away.

To schedule an appointment with Dr. Martin Urban, call 508-425-9640 or visit us at Martin Urban DDS.


Thursday, June 13, 2019

Bite Checks

Bite checks are a regular part of any dental health check-up. At the Waltham office of Dr. Martin Urban, where many of our patients have implants or dentures, we’re particularly concerned with ensuring that their prosthetics still fit correctly. When a tooth or jaws are out of place, pain is likely to only get worse without intervention.

Temporomandibular Joint Disorder (TMD) is a condition affecting the joints that connect the lower jaw to the head. It may cause pain, tingling, or numbness along the jaw, neck, or shoulder muscles. TMD often exists in a vicious circle with bruxism, also known as teeth grinding. As people clench or grind their teeth in their sleep, their enamel is eroded and their teeth are pushed out of place. The pain from this can trigger more clenching, although people have also been known to grind their teeth in an unconscious effort to keep their airways open or as a way of coping with psychological stress.

Bruxism can crack teeth and deform dentures. During a dental examination, our hygienists will be able to recognize it by wear patterns in a patient’s teeth. We’ll also need patients to demonstrate how they close their teeth together and allow us to take x-rays to search for further evidence of misalignment. If a tooth or jaw is out of place, we can talk about corrective options. Patients may also need oral appliances to protect their teeth as they sleep.

To schedule an appointment with Dr. Martin Urban, call 508-425-9640 or visit us at Martin Urban DDS.


Thursday, June 6, 2019

Tooth Sensitivity

It’s the season of ice cream, but for people with sensitive teeth, there’s less cause to be happy about that. We at Dr. Martin Urban’s Waltham office hope that all our patients are free of dental pain. If they do suffer from sensitivity, it could be a red flag for loss of enamel.

Each natural tooth contains a nerve and blood supply. Surrounding the dental pulp is a layer of hard material called dentin, which is a yellow-grey color. Enamel is the outermost layer of a dental crown and when it is thin, dentin may be visible through it. The roots of the teeth are surrounded by a substance called cementum, which is not as hard as enamel and serves to seal the tooth to its gum pocket.

Dentin is made up of tiny tubes and easily transfers heat to or from the dental pulp. When enamel has been reduced or gum tissue has receded, there is little to shield the sensitive nerve. Although a tooth may crack under pressure, it is more common for acid caused by bacterial infection or regurgitated by the stomach to dissolve enamel and gum tissue, making a tooth more sensitive. Implanted-supported crowns don’t have this problem, but we still work to preserve patients’ natural teeth by filling in cavities after drilling away infections. Patients may also try remineralizing their enamel by using extra-fluoridated toothpaste.

To schedule an appointment with Dr. Martin Urban, call 508-425-9640 or visit us at Martin Urban DDS.


Saturday, June 1, 2019

Gum Disease and Rheumatoid Arthritis

It seems that every day we learn something new about the importance of gum health. As a dentist with special training in periodontics, Dr. Martin Urban is an expert in repairing and preventing gum damage. Recently, scientists found new evidence of a connection between gum disease and a certain kind of arthritis, so we wanted to make sure our patients understand why they should prioritize their gums.

Although Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) is characterized by swollen joints, it is an autoimmune disorder. It occurs when the immune system attacks synovium, a joint lining tissue that shares a molecular similarity with gum tissue. Scientists have long known that people with RA are at particular risk for periodontitis and that this is not entirely due to their difficulty brushing and flossing, since gum disease symptoms tend to appear before their fingers swell up. New research has focused on how else the bacteria that cause gum disease affect the body.

Researchers found that the acid produced by some oral bacteria causes hypercitrullination, the excessive break-down of proteins. The body produces a large number of antibodies to destroy the deformed proteins, and the antibodies harm gum tissues as well as synovium. Currently, scientists are investigating whether treating gum disease can cause reduction in joint swelling. But regardless, it seems clear that it is good for patients’ joints to prevent gum disease from developing in the first place. If you’ve noticed your gums bleeding, don’t hesitate to give us a call.

To schedule an appointment with Dr. Martin Urban, call 508-425-9640 or visit us at Martin Urban DDS.


Monday, May 20, 2019

The Importance of Flossing

At Dr. Martin Urban, DDS, we advise our patients to floss every day to maintain good oral hygiene. Flossing removes plaque that is hard to reach and can lead to cavities if not cleaned daily. Brushing only removes 60% of bacteria and plaque on your teeth, while flossing removes the other 40%. 

We encourage our patients to use a piece of floss that is 15 to 18 inches long in a ‘C’ shape for the best flossing job. If you have trouble flossing we recommend you to try plaque removers that allow you to floss between your teeth with one hand.

The type of floss you use isn't as important as long as you are flossing daily We caution are patients to not worry if there is blood when you are flossing, it just means your gums are inflamed because of plaque buildup.

Remember to floss daily to keep your teeth clean and healthy!

If you have any questions or concerns, please give us a call. To learn more about the treatment provided at the dental practice of Dr. Martin Urban, DDS, visit for more information. To schedule an appointment with Dr. Martin Urban, DDS in Boston, MA, call 508-425-9640 

Monday, May 13, 2019

Dental Phobia

At Dr. Martin Urban, DDS we want our patients who suffer from Dental Phobia to have a good experience at the dentist.  Studies have shown that about 9% to 15% of people avoid going to the dentist every year due to dental phobia. It is important to get your teeth cleaned twice a year to maintain good dental hygiene. Patients who suffer from dental phobia have a greater chance of developing gum disease and tooth decay.

To make patients feel more comfortable before their visit, our staff will discuss any concerns or fears you may have.  Some signs that you might have dental phobia include tense or nervousness, sleepless nights before the dentist, and the thought of the dentist makes you feel sick.

We encourage our patients to ask us questions before your appointment so we can make you feel more comfortable. Your concerns are our number one priority and we are happy to discuss what can help to ease your fears.

If you have any questions or concerns, please give us a call. To learn more about the treatment provided at the dental practice of Dr. Martin Urban, DDS, visit for more information. To schedule an appointment with Dr. Martin Urban, DDS in Boston, MA, call 508-425-9640. 

Monday, May 6, 2019

Bone Grafting

A bone graft is a dental procedure that is needed when a patients jawbone isn't able to support a dental implant or restorative device. It also repairs botched implant sites, structural damage, gum disease, and injuries. The bone graft, once placed and healed, strengthens the jaw for other procedures. Dr. Martin Urban, D.D.S. of Martin Urban DDS LLC in Waltham, offers bone grafting services.


An implant or replacement tooth can’t be placed if the jaw is not large enough or strong enough. With the majority of cases, this is caused by missing teeth. Teeth are needed to keep the bone and tissue strong. Without it, the jaw bone will disintegrate. An x-ray will allow us to see the state and size of the remaining bone. This lets Dr. Urban evaluate and decide if a bone graft is necessary. If so, the bone will either be taken from another area of the mouth or received from a tissue bank.


At the procedure, you will be placed under general anesthesia. A cut or incision will be made along the jawbone. The bone graft will be inserted and held in place using pins, plates, screws, wires, and/or cables. Upon completion, the incision will be stitched and bandaged.


Recovery depends on the patient's health and the size of the graft. It can take from two weeks to up to a year. Make sure to follow any post-operative instructions given by Dr. Urban and our staff. Regular appointments will make sure your recovery is on track, and allow detection of any issues.


If you are in need of a bone graft, contact Dr. Martin Urban, D.D.S. of Martin Ubran DDS LLC. Our office is located in Waltham, MA. To schedule an appointment, visit our website or call 508-425-9640.



Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Occlusal Adjustment

If you feel like your jaw is lopsided whenever you bite or close your mouth, then you might need an occlusal adjustment. Occlusal adjustments correct the alignment of the bite, correcting any and all issues you may be experiencing. Dr. Martin Urban, D.D.S. of Martin Urban DDS LLC, located in Waltham, MA., is available for a consultation. Together, you will create a treatment plan that best works for you.


A misalignment of the jaw can be caused by loose, shifting, crowded, or missing teeth. This keeps your mouth from closing and meeting correctly. Patients that clench or grind their teeth can find relief through occlusal adjustment too. The result of misalignment is an unevenly distributed bite that creates irregular pressure distribution in the mouth.


At your appointment with Dr. Urban, she will use x-ray and imaging technology to identify what areas in your mouth need adjustments. A scan of your mouth takes hundreds of pictures of your bite. It marks any irregularities, that are then made known to Dr. Urban. The adjustment procedure can then follow. The process is relatively painless with minimal discomfort. A fine filing stone is attached to a dental drill. Dr. Urban uses this upon the indicated areas. Removable mouthpieces are also used, meant to protect the teeth and relax the jaw muscles once completed.


If you are concerned that you have a misalignment of the jaw or need an occlusal adjustment, contact Martin Urban DDS LLC today. Dr. Martin Urban is available by appointment by visiting our website or by calling 508-425-9640.



Thursday, February 21, 2019

Preventing Gum Disease

At Martin Urban, DDS we advise our patients to practice good oral health care to prevent gum disease from forming. Gum disease begins when bacteria grows in your mouth and causes you to lose teeth if not treated properly. When bacteria in plaque build up on your teeth, your gums turn red or inflamed when brushing and flossing. Inflammation of your gums is likely a sign of gingivitis which is an early stage of gum disease.

Some symptoms of gum disease include swollen or bleeding in your gums, loose or shifting teeth, and persistent bad breath. Our doctors can diagnose the early stages of gum disease by examining your gums and the sensitivity of your teeth.

When possible, we encourage our patients to quit smoking or using tobacco of any kind as it increases your chance of developing gum disease. A proper diet of vitamins and nutrients goes a long way in repairing damaged tissue in your mouth.

Remember, the best way to fight gum disease is to practice good oral hygiene. Brushing twice a day and flossing will help to remove bacteria and plaque from your teeth and gums.

If you have any questions or concerns, please give us a call. To learn more about the treatment provided at the dental practice of Dr. Martin Urban, DDS, visit for more information. To schedule an appointment with Dr. Martin Urban, DDS in Boston, MA, call 508-425-9640.

Thursday, February 14, 2019

Choosing a Toothbrush

At Martin Urban, DDS we advise our patients to change their toothbrush every 3 months or when their bristle’s become too hard. A toothbrush that is worn down doesn’t effectively clean every area of your teeth as it should to remove plaque. You should also change your toothbrush after you overcome an illness to prevent being re-exposed to the virus.

When choosing a toothbrush, we encourage our patients to use a soft-bristled toothbrush because they are the most effective in removing bacteria and debris from your teeth and gums.

Don’t forget, toothbrushes come in different shapes and sizes so choosing a toothbrush that fits your mouth and is the most comfortable to brush with is important. In most cases, smaller toothbrushes work better for patients because they can reach every part of your mouth.

When possible, we encourage our patients to use an electric toothbrush if they have trouble cleaning for a full two minutes with a traditional toothbrush.

Regardless of the type of toothbrush you use, don’t’ forget to brush twice a day and floss. Practicing good oral hygiene will give you your best smile!

If you have any questions or concerns, please give us a call. To learn more about the treatment provided at the dental practice of Dr. Martin Urban, DDS, visit for more information. To schedule an appointment with Dr. Martin Urban, DDS in Boston, MA, call 508-425-9640.

Friday, February 8, 2019

Children's Oral Care

At Martin Urban, DDS we advise parents to start brushing their children’s teeth when they first develop. February is National Children’s Dental Health Month, which is when we raise awareness of children's oral health concerns. The most common chronic disease in children is tooth decay which is preventable with good cleaning habits.

Although baby teeth are temporary, they act as placeholders for their permanent teeth. Brushing and flossing twice a day will help to prevent tooth decay and allow their permanent teeth to be healthy. When brushing your children’s teeth, you should use a soft-bristled toothbrush and a dab of toothpaste to clean all the surfaces of their teeth.

As much as possible, we encourage our younger patients to avoid sugary and acidic food that can increase their chances of cavities and breaking down tooth enamel. Remember, the healthier you eat, the healthier your teeth and body will be.

Regardless of how well your children clean their teeth, they should come to see us at Martin Urban, DDS twice a year to ensure healthy teeth and a better smile!

If you have any questions or concerns, please give us a call. To learn more about the treatment provided at the dental practice of Dr. Martin Urban, DDS, visit for more information. To schedule an appointment with Dr. Martin Urban, DDS in Boston, MA, call 508-425-9640.

Saturday, February 2, 2019

Wisdom Teeth Removal

At Dr. Martin Urban, DDS we often extract wisdom teeth when they begin to protrude through your gums. In rare cases, wisdom teeth will grow in naturally and are properly aligned.

For most patients, wisdom teeth are misaligned and grow in on an angle, which can cause dental crowding or damage to the jawbone or nerves. If your wisdom teeth only partially erupt through your gums, more bacteria can develop on them. We encourage our patients to have their wisdom teeth removed when this happens otherwise you are at a greater risk of tooth decay, cavities, and gum disease.

Any wisdom teeth that are causing pain or infections need to be removed immediately to prevent your teeth from being damaged. After your wisdom teeth are removed, you will be limited to soft foods for a couple of days until the swelling goes down.

If you have any questions or concerns about your wisdom teeth, please give us a call. To learn more about the treatment provided at the dental practice of Dr. Martin Urban, DDS, visit for more information. To schedule an appointment with Dr. Martin Urban, DDS in Boston, MA, call 508-425-9640.

Thursday, January 17, 2019

Soda And Your Teeth

Soda is becoming increasingly harmful to teeth and to enamel. With the average person drinking around 16 ounces a day, the chances of acids and sugar becoming damaging to teeth is high. With high numbers of acid and sugar in soda and sports drinks, keeping your teeth clean becomes extremely difficult.

Water is always the best thing to drink for your oral health. It not only helps to keep your body healthy, but cleans your teeth and gums with every sip! Avoiding acidic drinks has proven positive effects that go beyond teeth and help your body be as healthy as possible. Many people look for caffiene at some point in the day, whether it’s from sodas or an energy drink, but finding an alternative such as tea, water, or juice will go a long way for your oral hygiene.

At Martin Urban DDS we recommend patients limit their soda consumption as much as possible and rinse their mouth out with water while brushing your teeth. It is also recommended you stop in to get a cleaning and help preserve those pearly whites.

To schedule an appointment with Dr. Martin Urban, call 508-425-9640 or visit us at Martin Urban DDS.

Thursday, January 10, 2019

Gum Disease and Cirrhosis

As specialists in implants, we at the dental office of Dr. Marin Urban are particularly concerned about anything that could exacerbate gum disease. When gingivitis turns into periodontal disease, the integrity of the tooth roots or implant posts can be imperiled. But we also know that oral health is closely tied to overall wellness, and we wanted to share an exciting new study that found treating gum disease can also reduce the harmful effects of liver inflammation.

Cirrhosis is the term doctors use to describe the development of scar tissue on the liver. When the liver has been inflamed long enough to develop scar tissue, it is no longer an effective filter for toxins from the bloodstream. As a result, the patient’s immune system triggers the inflammation response elsewhere in the body, including the brain. Cognitive fog and mood swings are common results. Gum disease exists at particularly high rates in people with cirrhosis. This is partly explained by both resulting from smoking and alcohol, but it was less clear why gum disease would be disproportionately common in people with non-alcoholic fatty liver disease.

Bacteria that cause gum disease have been found in the livers of cirrhosis patients. Recently, researchers conducted an experiment in which patients with both diseases were given gum cleanings at different times. The results were that cirrhosis symptoms such as cognitive fog and suppressed anti-inflammatory bacteria count improved following dental treatment. While we’re still learning more about the effect of oral bacteria on the rest of the body, we hope our patients will understand why dentistry is so important.

To schedule an appointment with Dr. Martin Urban, call 508-425-9640 or visit us at Martin Urban DDS.


Saturday, January 5, 2019

Basic Dental Instruments

We provide advanced dental and periodontal restorations at the office of Dr. Martin Urban, but we want our patients to feel fully included in all our decisions. Many people suffering from severe tooth or gum decay feel apprehensive about visiting the dentist. They may feel a sense of helplessness born of an inability to describe what is happening; in which case we think it would be good for them to learn some of the language we use to describe our basic instruments.

When patients go to any kind of dentist, they can expect a hygienist to clean their teeth. The two tools the hygienist uses most are the handheld mirror and the explorer. The explorer, which can also be called a probe, is the wand with metal hooks on either end. The hooks come in different shapes for different tasks. Some are used to inspect the hardness of enamel and the cleanliness of the gum pockets. The explorer is also used to break apart hardened calculus, which is removed with a suction hose called an evacuator. This is the tube hygienists ask patients to close their lips around.

Sometimes, a dental extraction is necessary. Prior to removing a tooth, the patient will be numbed with local anesthetic delivered through a syringe. Inducing full unconsciousness is usually not necessary. A flattened spoon called an elevator will be slid between the tooth and the gum pocket and used to loosen it by rocking it back and forth. It can then be removed with reverse-action forceps.

To schedule an appointment with Dr. Martin Urban, call 508-425-9640 or visit us at Martin Urban DDS.