Wednesday, October 31, 2018

Aggressive Periodontitis and Tooth Loss

Healthy gums are firm and pale pink in color. If yours are anything but the sort, it’s time to visit Dr. Martin Urban, DDS for periodontal therapy. We’ve discussed how gingivitis is a mild, reversible form of periodontal disease, but when a periodontal disease becomes aggressive, the soft tissue and bone that supports the teeth can loosen and potentially lead to tooth loss.  

All forms of periodontal disease begin with plaque that is left behind on teeth. If plaque isn’t adequately brushed and flossed away, the harmful bacteria will eat away at the enamel and soft tissue and cause the tooth to weaken. Periodontitis is a serious gum infection that can be prevented with proper oral care habits and routine dental cleanings. To restore periodontal health, Dr. Martin Urban, DDS may suggest scaling and root planing treatment to clean underneath the gums and remove harmful bacteria.

If you have questions or concerns regarding implant dentistry or periodontal therapy, please give us a call. To learn about the services we provide at the practice, visit for more information. To schedule an appointment with Dr. Martin Urban, DDS in Boston, MA, call 508-425-9640. 

Wednesday, October 3, 2018

Periodontal Maintenance

In its most advanced stages, gum disease can lead to gum recession, and even tooth loss.  Dr. Martin Urban, DDS wants to make sure it never gets to that point for you and your family!  When plaque builds up on a tooth, the gum starts to pull away from the tooth and form a pocket around the buildup, which only leads to more gum recession.  A deep periodontal cleaning, also called a scaling and root planing procedure, is used to treat this buildup and prevent the later stages of gum disease.

Scaling and root planning are two parts of a deep cleaning procedure your dentist can perform to help reverse the progress of gum disease.  The procedure beings with scaling, which is the process of the dentist removing plaque from the surface of the teeth, all the way down to the gums. Root planing is the term for any minor contouring to smooth the surface of a tooth near the root.  When plaque has been removed and the tooth root has been smoothed, the gums that have pulled away will have a clean, smooth surface to reattach to as they heal.

To learn more about deep periodontal cleaning and all the other treatments provided at the dental practice of Dr. Martin Urban, DDS, visit for more information. To schedule an appointment with Dr. Martin Urban, DDS in Boston, MA, call 508-425-9640.