Thursday, November 28, 2019

Crown Lengthening

Do you feel like you have a “gummy” smile? In other words, are your teeth covered by excess gum tissue? We at Martin Urban, DDS are committed to helping our patients feel confident and happy with their smiles. We are excited to offer crown lengthening to bring out the fullness of your teeth!

The crown lengthening procedure involves reshaping your gum line as well as the bone around the affected tooth or teeth, creating a more balanced gum to tooth ratio. The great thing about crown lengthening is that it can be performed on as many or as little affected teeth there are in the patient’s mouth. One tooth with excess gum tissue can be reshaped or a whole gum line can be reshaped, depending on the patient.

In addition to your smile becoming more aesthetically pleasing, crown lengthening also improves the overall health of your gums. The edge of the restoration is sturdy enough to withstand brushing and flossing to prevent tooth decay and gum disease. 

Not sure if this procedure is right for you? We are happy to address any concerns or answer any questions that you have! Martin Urban, DDS is located at 976 Main St. in Waltham, MA 02453. For more information about our crown lengthening procedure or to schedule an appointment, you can visit or call 508-425-9640.


Thursday, November 21, 2019

Senior Dental Care

At Martin Urban, DDS, we treat patients of all ages, especially senior citizens. Dr. Martin Urban of Waltham, MA, provides excellent dental care. It’s important to take good care of your teeth as you age. Older individuals are at a higher risk of oral complications, including extraction, tooth decay, and periodontal (gum) disease. Elderly patients often need more frequent visits to stay healthy. Contact our office today to set up your appointment.


One of the best things you can do for your mouth, especially when you’re in your golden years, is investing in an electric toothbrush. These clean your teeth while requiring minimal physical effort. This is perfect for patients who struggle with mobility. It cleans your mouth without jeopardizing your physical wellbeing.


We have other tips for those who struggle with physical activity. Try elongating the handle of your toothbrush. This way you can easily reach your back molars and harder areas. Look around your home for a few simple materials. Specifically, foam, rubber, or even tongue depressors. Wrap these around your toothbrush handle closer to its end. You should now have a longer toothbrush! Brushing your teeth should be much easier now.


If you live or take care of an older individual, your help is important too! Gently remind them to brush twice a day and floss as well. If they have problems with physical tasks, assist them. You can also offer to give them rides to their dental appointments or even schedule them for them. Your Waltham, MA, dentist knows that dental care is expensive. That’s why many communities offer public health programs for older patients. They offer discounted or even free services for senior citizens. Reach out to your local social services or public health office to learn more.


Martin Urban, DDS is located in Waltham, MA. To schedule an appointment with Dr. Martin Urban, visit our website or call 508-425-9640.

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Cleaning Your Tongue

It’s a common misbelief that for a healthy mouth you should focus on your gums and teeth. In reality, cleaning your tongue is just as important! At Martin Urban, DDS, Dr. Martin Urban recommends using a tongue cleaner. These are small dental appliances that brush your tongue. Use them to remove harmful bacteria and coatings from the tongue’s surface. At our office in Waltham, MA, using these appliances improves your breath and overall dental health!


There’s no reason to be nervous about using a tongue scraper. It’s a quick and easy process! First, begin by placing the applicator towards the back of your tongue. Don’t put it so far back that it activates your gag reflex. Then move the device forward, scraping along the way. Rinse the device off once you reach the tip. Repeat this process multiple times until the coatings are gone.


It’s important to note that there are many reasons your tongue is coated. There’s no need to panic. A few examples are yeast infections, smoking, dry mouth, medications, and other oral health conditions. A tongue cleaner solves any of these problems. It removes the dangerous pathogens and dead cells from your mouth. If you notice continual or frequent coatings, especially ones that don’t seem to improve, then schedule an appointment with your Waltham, MA, dentist.


Besides the listed health improvements, recent studies show that tongue cleanings improve your sense of taste. You’ll notice a difference in your breath and health. Fewer bacteria lowers your risk of tooth decay.


Remember to always use your device with caution. It can injure your tongue if used improperly. Use the appropriate amount of force when scraping.


At Martin Urban, DDS, your health is our top concern. If you’re interested in learning more about cleaning your tongue, talk to our team today! We’ll provide you with any information you need. To schedule an appointment with Dr. Martin Urban at our office in Waltham, MA, visit our website or call 508-425-9640.

Friday, November 8, 2019

Diabetes Awareness Month

November marks National Diabetes Awareness Month. As a dental practice that specializes in implants and periodontal disease, diabetes education is especially important to us at the Massachusetts practices of Dr. Martin Urban. Diabetes is closely linked to gum inflammation, and people who have it need to understand that they are at greater risk in order to protect themselves.

People with high blood sugar are especially prone to developing inflammation. This means that their gum tissue will have a more extreme response to the acid normally produced by oral bacteria as they metabolize sugar. In people with uncontrolled blood sugar, it is also more common for gingivitis to develop into periodontal disease, which means that their gums recede and they will eventually lose jaw bone tissue. While this would be a serious problem for anybody, research also indicates that diabetes and periodontal disease exist in a vicious circle, with the toxins resulting from periodontal disease making it harder for the body to regulate blood sugar.

Regular brushing and flossing are essential for controlling the population of oral bacteria. People with diabetes should especially be on the look-out for gingivitis symptoms such as swelling and bleeding gums. Regular dental cleanings, which break up plaque and remove infected material from below the gum line, will help people with difficulty controlling their blood sugar to avoid the more advanced stage of gum disease. We can also provide prosthetic teeth to people who have already suffered from periodontitis.

To schedule an appointment with Dr. Martin Urban, call 508-425-9640 or visit us at Martin Urban DDS.


Saturday, November 2, 2019

Gum Abscesses

Replacing teeth is our specialty at the Massachusetts offices of Dr. Martin Urban. Although a tooth may be lost to an acute injury, many fall out or have to be removed due to progressive gum disease. We don’t want this to happen to our patients, especially if they’ve already lost some teeth and are at increased risk for recurring periodontal infections, so we wanted to discuss the dangers and treatments for a gum abscess.

An abscess is where pus from a bacterial infection gathers. Gingival abscess are those that form at the gum line, while periodontal abscesses are more advanced and form deep within the gum pocket. As they build up, more of the gum wall will pull away from the tooth root, leaving a tooth less stable. Abscesses cause pain, sensitivity, swelling, and bad breath, and they are often accompanied by a fever and difficulty opening the mouth. They are emergencies and patients should not attempt to self-medicate them.

During an examination, we will determine the extent of an infection and whether a root canal is necessary. If only the gum material is infected, we will make an incision to drain the pus and cut away infected material. If the tooth is natural we will smooth its root in a process called planing to make it harder for bacteria to recolonize. The patient will be given painkillers and a recommended regimen of antibiotics. If an abscess is caught in time, the patient may be spared loss of jaw bone tissue and be able to keep the tooth.

To schedule an appointment with Dr. Martin Urban, call 508-425-9640 or visit us at Martin Urban DDS.