Thursday, December 27, 2018

Swelling after Extractions

We’ve provided lots of people with replacement teeth at the office of Dr. Martin Urban, but sometimes teeth need to be extracted before new ones can be put in. When a tooth is severely compromised or causing overcrowding, a patient may be glad to be rid of it. But they will likely have to deal with some swelling after the procedure, so they should know what to expect.

When a tooth is extracted, the empty socket will briefly be exposed before the blood clots and seals it off. The immune system will trigger inflammation at the extraction site to prevent the migration of harmful bacteria and to concentrate while blood cells. Swelling following a simple extraction is usually not as severe as following one in which incisions were made, but the patient should try to minimize it by applying cold packs. A cold pack should be applied for no more than fifteen minutes at a time, with fifteen minutes allowed to pass between applications.

Swelling should peak within three days. A patient should call for advice if it does not. After swelling has peaked, they may try reducing it with heat packs, again using the fifteen-on, fifteen-off rule. The patient should schedule an emergency appointment if they are in pain or the extraction site turns black or white, but in most cases, the swelling completely recedes within a week. Follow-up examinations are common at this point.

To schedule an appointment with Dr. Martin Urban, call 508-425-9640 or visit us at Martin Urban DDS.


Wednesday, December 19, 2018

Acid Reflux

It’s the time of year for feasting, and for that, the teeth better be in good working order. We’re proud to have provided many people with dental restorations at the office of Dr. Martin Urban, but artificial teeth have to be protected from acidic erosion, just like natural ones. Tooth decay is one potential source of harm, but there is another party-goers should beware of: acid reflux.

Sometimes, the sphincter that separates the stomach from the esophagus accidentally opens, allowing acid to escape upwards. When this happens more than twice a week, it is called Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD). The burning sensation of acid in the esophagus is misleadingly called heartburn. Stomach acid is highly corrosive, and when it enters the mouth, it wears away enamel. Natural teeth being eroded by acid reflux will turn a chalky color and become more sensitive, with the inward-facing sides of the upper teeth being the worst affected. Plastic dentures can also be eroded, requiring them to be replaced.

Acid reflux can often be prevented by changes in lifestyle such as the cessation of smoking. Patients are also advised to avoid eating before bed or while reclining and to limit their intake of alcohol, red meat, spice, onions and garlic, chocolate, and citric acid. Saliva helps to combat acid, so patients might want to ask their doctors about switching away from medications that cause dry mouth.

To schedule an appointment with Dr. Martin Urban, call 508-425-9640 or visit us at Martin Urban DDS.

Saturday, December 8, 2018

Gum Grafting

Gum grafting is primarily used to treat receding gums, especially where tooth has been exposed. When plaque and bacteria build up at the gum line, the gums start to pull away from the teeth and stretch, forming little pockets around the buildup. Even when these little pockets are cleaned out, they remain at the gum line and cause the gums to recede. Dr. Martin Urban, DDS can help you correct this by repairing deficient gums with a gum graft. 

A gum graft procedure consists of harvesting healthy tissue from the roof of the patient’s mouth and transferring it to the site that needs reinforcement. This gives the deficient gum a replacement, and encourages growth of new material around the graft.  Gum grafting can be performed when receding gums become unsightly, or to cover teeth that have been exposed by receding gums and become much more sensitive.  If you think you could benefit from a gum graft, please contact us.

To learn more about gum grafting and all the other treatments provided at the dental practice of Dr. Martin Urban, DDS, visit for more information. To schedule an appointment with Dr. Martin Urban, DDS in Boston, MA, call 508-425-9640. 

Wednesday, November 14, 2018

Dental Bridges

If you are missing a tooth, you should strongly consider having it replaced. Besides the aesthetic disadvantage of missing a tooth, it could also cause changes to the position of other teeth in your mouth and may also affect your ability to chew effectively. If you have areas of missing teeth and are considering replacing them, Dr. Martin Urban, DDS may recommend a dental bridge.

The process of creating a bridge begins by reshaping the anchor teeth (abutments) to which the bridge will be attached. After the anchor teeth are prepared, an impression of the teeth is taken and sent to a dental lab. The lab is able to use the impression to create a model of the teeth as they appear in the patient's mouth. Then a bridge is custom-made to properly fit and feel as close to natural teeth as possible. The bridge consists of crowns that cover the anchor teeth and a pontic (or pontics), which look like and act as the "replacement tooth or teeth."

If you have questions or concerns regarding implant dentistry or periodontal therapy, please give us a call. To learn about the services we provide at the practice, visit for more information. To schedule an appointment with Dr. Martin Urban, DDS in Boston, MA, call 508-425-9640. 

Thursday, November 8, 2018

Mini Dental Implants

 Mini implants are similar to regular implants but are smaller, often less than 2mm in diameter. If you are missing one or more teeth or experiencing discomfort with your dentures than mini implants can serve as long-term support. Dr. Martin Urban, DDS can provide support and guidance for dental implant patients and help educate them on the options available for improving their comfort and confidence.

The main use for mini implants is to install a full upper or lower denture. A series of mini implants (4-6) are placed along the gum line and they serve as the base of the denture. Rather than placing a single implant for a single tooth, an entire lower or upper set of teeth are directly attached to the gumline. The direct placement of mini implants through the gum with no incision allows for a minimally invasive procedure. The mini implants can usually be inserted right through the gum into the bone. This eliminates the need for a recovery period, and the restoration can usually be placed right away or only a short time after. Most patients experience immediate results and can often eat their first meal within a few hours.

If you have questions or concerns regarding implant dentistry or periodontal therapy, please give us a call. To learn about the services we provide at the practice, visit for more information. To schedule an appointment with Dr. Martin Urban, DDS in Boston, MA, call 508-425-9640. 

Monday, November 5, 2018

Implant Oral Care

Caring for a dental implant is just as important as caring for a natural tooth. To ensure the long life of an implant, it’s important that you take the necessary steps that Dr. Martin Urban, DDS suggests to prevent implant failure. Lifestyle habits such as smoking should be stopped immediately, and your oral care routine will need to be amped up to make a healthy recovery and maintain a healthy smile.

During the post-operative process, it’s important to keep the implant clean at all times. Dr. Martin Urban, DDS will provide you with personalized instructions that are needed for your implant. To ensure a safe implant process, the teeth should be thoroughly brushed and flossed to prevent inflammation of the tissues surrounding the implant. You should pay extra attention to the area around the implant but always brush gently to prevent sensitivity. Dr. Martin Urban, DDS may suggest scheduling a check-up every three months after the implant process to assess that everything is going smoothly.

If you have questions or concerns regarding implant dentistry or periodontal therapy, please give us a call. To learn about the services we provide at the practice, visit for more information. To schedule an appointment with Dr. Martin Urban, DDS in Boston, MA, call 508-425-9640. 

Wednesday, October 31, 2018

Aggressive Periodontitis and Tooth Loss

Healthy gums are firm and pale pink in color. If yours are anything but the sort, it’s time to visit Dr. Martin Urban, DDS for periodontal therapy. We’ve discussed how gingivitis is a mild, reversible form of periodontal disease, but when a periodontal disease becomes aggressive, the soft tissue and bone that supports the teeth can loosen and potentially lead to tooth loss.  

All forms of periodontal disease begin with plaque that is left behind on teeth. If plaque isn’t adequately brushed and flossed away, the harmful bacteria will eat away at the enamel and soft tissue and cause the tooth to weaken. Periodontitis is a serious gum infection that can be prevented with proper oral care habits and routine dental cleanings. To restore periodontal health, Dr. Martin Urban, DDS may suggest scaling and root planing treatment to clean underneath the gums and remove harmful bacteria.

If you have questions or concerns regarding implant dentistry or periodontal therapy, please give us a call. To learn about the services we provide at the practice, visit for more information. To schedule an appointment with Dr. Martin Urban, DDS in Boston, MA, call 508-425-9640. 

Wednesday, October 3, 2018

Periodontal Maintenance

In its most advanced stages, gum disease can lead to gum recession, and even tooth loss.  Dr. Martin Urban, DDS wants to make sure it never gets to that point for you and your family!  When plaque builds up on a tooth, the gum starts to pull away from the tooth and form a pocket around the buildup, which only leads to more gum recession.  A deep periodontal cleaning, also called a scaling and root planing procedure, is used to treat this buildup and prevent the later stages of gum disease.

Scaling and root planning are two parts of a deep cleaning procedure your dentist can perform to help reverse the progress of gum disease.  The procedure beings with scaling, which is the process of the dentist removing plaque from the surface of the teeth, all the way down to the gums. Root planing is the term for any minor contouring to smooth the surface of a tooth near the root.  When plaque has been removed and the tooth root has been smoothed, the gums that have pulled away will have a clean, smooth surface to reattach to as they heal.

To learn more about deep periodontal cleaning and all the other treatments provided at the dental practice of Dr. Martin Urban, DDS, visit for more information. To schedule an appointment with Dr. Martin Urban, DDS in Boston, MA, call 508-425-9640. 

Wednesday, September 26, 2018

Cosmetic Periodontal Surgery

At the practice of Dr. Martin Urban, DDS our staff see many patients who are unhappy with their smile. The look of your smile includes your gums, and even patients without any damage to their teeth feel like their gums keep them from enjoying their best smile.  Some people naturally have more gum tissue than others and it results in a gummy smile, while others have less gum tissue that gives a look of elongated teeth. 

We offer cosmetic periodontal surgery so that any patient can have their perfect smile.  Cosmetic periodontal surgery is a technical way of saying sculpting the gum line, and each procedure is different depending on the patient’s goal.  Soft tissue grafts can be placed to extend the gum line, or excess gum tissue can be removed to expose more tooth.  The result is a visually pleasing ratio of tooth to gums that creates an even smile! If you think your smile would benefit from cosmetic periodontal surgery, please contact us.

To learn more about cosmetic periodontal surgery and all the services we provide at the practice, visit for more information. To schedule an appointment with Dr. Martin Urban, DDS in Boston, MA, call 508-425-9640. 

Tuesday, September 18, 2018

Replace Missing Teeth with Implants

Millions of Americans suffer from tooth loss, whether it is due to decay, dental trauma, or any other reason. A dental implant is a titanium post that is surgically positioned into a patient’s jawbone beneath the gum line. Once the implant is placed, replacement teeth and/or a dental bridge are mounted to restore a smile. If you are considering dental implants for your missing teeth, schedule a consultation with Dr. Martin Urban, DDS.

Leaving empty spaces in the mouth after losing teeth can make a face appear sagged and sunken. Missing teeth can also affect the way a person eats and speaks. Dental implants are a strong and stable way to restore tooth function and because they look and feel like a natural tooth, they can increase a person’s self-esteem and protect the surrounding teeth from further damage.

If you have questions or concerns regarding dental implants, please give us a call. To learn about services we provide at the practice, visit for more information. To schedule an appointment with Dr. Martin Urban, DDS in Boston, MA, call 508-425-9640. 

Friday, September 14, 2018

Periodontal Abscess

If plaque isn’t removed from adequate brushing and flossing, this bacteria may spread into the soft tissue of the tooth or gums and may result in a periodontal abscess. An abscess is a painful pocket of pus that stems from a bacterial infection, often one that has assembled in the soft pulp of one’s tooth. This is a painful condition that can be prevented by visiting Dr. Martin Urban, DDS twice a year for dental checkups.

A periodontal abscess can cause persistent and severe pain in the area that becomes affected. If one develops, the patient may notice swelling and redness. Other signs of a periodontal abscess include sensitivity to hot and cold beverages, pain while chewing, a loose tooth, and/or a bad taste in the mouth. A periodontal abscess will not heal on its own, so it’s best to visit Dr. Martin Urban, DDS to discuss your treatment options.

If you have questions or concerns regarding periodontal disease or a dental abscess, please give us a call. To learn about the services we provide at the practice, visit for more information. To schedule an appointment with Dr. Martin Urban, DDS in Boston, MA, call 508-425-9640. 

Wednesday, September 5, 2018

What Is A Bone Graft?

A bone graft is the term for harvesting bone material from a healthy location and grafting it to a location that is broken or weakened.  Dr. Martin Urban, DDS performs bone grafts on patients in need of dental implants.  Missing a tooth for an extended period of time can leave the jaw bone vulnerable and compromise its structure.  When a patient needs an implant for a permanent replacement tooth, a bone graft reinforces the jaw bone so it is strong enough to handle the placement of an implant. 

In the same procedure, bone material is harvested from a healthy location in the patient’s mouth and grafted to the compromised area of the jaw bone.  This strengthens the weakened bone, and encourages growth of new bone material as it heals.  After the procedure, the bone graft will be monitored over the course of months.  When the jaw bone has strengthened enough to handle the placement of an implant, Dr. Martin Urban, DDS can move forward with the patient’s plan of care.

To learn more about bone grafting and all the services provided at the dental practice of Dr. Martin Urban, DDS, visit for more information. To schedule an appointment with Dr. Martin Urban, DDS in Boston, MA, call 508-425-9640. 

Wednesday, August 29, 2018

Crown Lengthening

Crown lengthening is the term for removing excess gum tissue from the surfaces of teeth.  Dr. Martin Urban, DDS removes gum tissue from patient’s mouths for aesthetics and for function.  We see many patients unhappy with their smiles, and even patients without any damage to their teeth feel like their gums keep them from enjoying their ideal smile.  When gum tissue is removed for function it is typically for making room to affix a restoration, like a crown, to a tooth.

Whether a crown lengthening procedure is done for function or aesthetics, it is a simple in-office procedure. Local anesthetic is used while your dentist removes excess gum tissue with either a scalpel or laser tools.  If tissue is being removed for a restoration to fit you may only require tissue to be removed from a couple of teeth.  Some people have more gum tissue than others and it results in a gummy smile, which can be corrected throughout the entire mouth.  The result is a visually pleasing ratio of teeth to gums that creates an even smile! 

To learn more about crown lengthening and all the services provided at the dental practice of Dr. Martin Urban, DDS, visit for more information. To schedule an appointment with Dr. Martin Urban, DDS in Boston, MA, call 508-425-9640. 

Tuesday, August 21, 2018

Flossing Prevents Periodontal Disease

Flossing once a day is just as important as brushing the teeth after every meal because it will prevent plaque buildup that causes periodontal disease. When one develops periodontal disease, the gums become inflamed and may cause sore gums and sensitive teeth. If you spit a little pink in the sink, Dr. Martin Urban, DDS can prevent periodontal disease from becoming more aggressive.

Flossing does more than keep your smile pretty and healthy. It removes plaque and debris that sticks to teeth and gums in between teeth, polishes tooth surfaces, and controls bad breath. Many people don’t spend enough time flossing or they may not have been taught to floss properly. To give your teeth a good flossing, spend at least two or three minutes on the process and be gentle to your gums.

If you have questions or concerns regarding oral care, please give us a call. To learn about the services we provide at the practice, visit for more information. To schedule an appointment with Dr. Martin Urban, DDS in Boston, MA, call 508-425-9640.

Saturday, August 18, 2018

Sedation Options

For people who avoid dentists like the plague, sedation dentistry can be used for everything from invasive procedures to a simple tooth cleaning. How it’s used depends on the severity of the fear.  Dr. Martin Urban, DDS offers different levels of sedation at his practice, the most commonly used are listed here.

  • Oral Conscious – With oral conscious sedation, the patient remains awake but is left in a heightened state of mind. For this option, you will need someone to drive you home after your procedure.

  • Nitrous Oxide – Nitrous, also known as laughing gas, leaves the patient in a euphoric state feeling completely relaxed. All feelings of fear and anxiety will fade away and you will be able to respond to the doctor if need be. Nitrous wears off once the procedure is complete, allowing you to return to your daily activities.

  • Anxiolysis – This light sedative is not as strong as oral sedation but is recommend for those who have mild to moderate anxiety. You will be able to drive yourself home after anxiolysis is administered.

If you have questions or concerns regarding sedation dentistry, please give us a call. To learn about the services we provide at the practice, visit for more information. To schedule an appointment with Dr. Martin Urban, DDS in Boston, MA, call 508-425-9640. 

Monday, August 6, 2018

Healing Periodontal Disease with ARESTIN

Periodontal disease will not only compromise the health of your teeth and gums. Periodontal disease has the ability to compromise the immune system, cause bad breath, and potentially lead to tooth loss if the condition is severe enough. If a patient is diagnosed with gingivitis and this goes untreated, he or she poses a risk of aggressive periodontitis. Because aggressive periodontitis will eventually cause the bone supporting the tooth to deteriorate, Dr. Martin Urban, DDS uses ARESTIN to treat the problem.

ARESTIN has the ability to reduce the severity of periodontal disease. In a clinical study, when used in addition to scaling and root planing, ARESTIN reduced harmful bacteria by nearly two times as much as scaling and root planing alone. This is because adding ARESTIN to the mix disrupts the progression of periodontitis by specifically targeting the active infection. ARESTIN is easy for the doctor to use and is 100% safe for the patient.

If you have questions or concerns regarding periodontal disease or restorative dental services, please give us a call. To learn about the services we provide at the practice, visit for more information. To schedule an appointment with Dr. Martin Urban, DDS in Boston, MA, call 508-425-9640. 

Tuesday, July 31, 2018

Implant-Retained Dentures

Millions of Americans suffer from tooth loss whether it occurs from dental trauma, periodontal disease, or tooth decay. For many years, the only tooth replacement options available to patients were dentures or dental bridges, but now there are implant-retained dentures. Fortunately, Dr. Martin Urban, DDS provides this restorative method in his practice.

An implant-supported denture is a type of overdenture that is supported by and attached to dental implants. These types of dentures are recommended when a patient doesn’t have any teeth in his or her jaw but has enough bone in the jaw to support dental implants. Implant-retained dentures are removable and should be taken out of the mouth and cleaned every night.

If you have questions or concerns regarding dental implants or restorative dental services, please give us a call. To learn about the services we provide at the practice, visit for more information. To schedule an appointment with Dr. Martin Urban, DDS in Boston, MA, call 508-425-9640. 

Wednesday, July 25, 2018

Dental Implant Maintenance

Taking care of dental implants is extremely similar to caring for natural teeth. Dental implants should be kept clean and plaque-free through adequate brushing and flossing on a daily basis. It’s important to commit to a good oral hygiene routine at home as well as keep up with routine visits to the office of Dr. Martin Urban, DDS to keep the mouth healthy and free of infection.

A dental implant consists of three parts, the implant itself, the abutment, – usually made of titanium, gold, or porcelain – and the restoration, - the part of the implant that looks like a tooth. Dental implants should be brushed and flossed like natural teeth. Avoiding chewing on hard foods to prevent fractures and quit smoking if possible because smoking can weaken the bone structure around the implant, causing it to fail. During your routine cleaning and oral exam, Dr. Urban will check the status of your implant to assure that they are in good health.

If you have questions or concerns regarding dental implants or restorative dental care, please give us a call. To learn about the services we provide at the practice, visit for more information. To schedule an appointment with Dr. Martin Urban, DDS in Boston, MA, call 508-425-9640. 

Saturday, July 21, 2018

Dental Implant Placement

Dental implants have many advantages, including improved appearance, improved speech, improved comfort, and many more. When you are missing teeth, your self-confidence becomes depleted and you’re left feeling down and out. Dr. Martin Urban, DDS, makes it a priority of his to revive your self-esteem by recommending a treatment method that will help you eat, chew, smile, talk, all while looking completely natural.

Dental Implant placement is usually performed in two separate visits. First, the patient will need to schedule a consultation with Dr. Urban to agree on a treatment plan. The first surgery involves implant placement and simple sterilization and removal of the suture. Bone healing and osseointegration occur once the suture is removed and then it’s time for regular maintenance and management. The sixth step includes manufacturing and cementation of artificial teeth which leads to the second surgery, the connection of the upper implant.

If you have questions or concerns regarding dental implants or restorative dental care, please give us a call. To learn about the services we provide at the practice, visit for more information. To schedule an appointment with Dr. Martin Urban, DDS in Boston, MA, call 508-425-9640. 

Tuesday, July 3, 2018

Importance of Periodontal Health

Healthy gums are firm and pale pink in color. If yours are red, purple, or are sensitive to the touch, it’s time to schedule a visit with Dr. Martin Urban, DDS. Periodontal disease is associated with serious health conditions such as diabetes, heart disease, and respiratory disease. By keeping your gums healthy, you are keeping the rest of your body healthy.

When you have healthy gums, your teeth are supported by the tissue in your gums and your chances for long-term oral health are significantly increased. Because periodontal disease is linked to an increased susceptibility to systemic disease (bacterial pneumonia, diabetes, cardiovascular disease), it is important to prevent it as well as control it. Brushing and flossing your teeth regularly is important and helps remove the thin film of bacteria that builds up on your teeth each day and contributes to tooth decay. If you have trouble maintaining a daily oral hygiene routine, give Dr. Martin Urban, DDS a call today.

If you have questions or concerns regarding periodontal disease, please give us a call. To learn about services we provide at the practice, visit for more information. To schedule an appointment with Dr. Martin Urban, DDS in Boston, MA, call 508-425-9640. 

Wednesday, June 27, 2018

Scaling and Root Planing

If you don’t visit the dentist twice a year, or brush and floss your teeth on a daily basis, the dental plaque that accumulates from the foods you eat will begin to harden on the teeth and turn into tartar. Excessive tartar buildup may cause gums to recede, eventually leading to an aggressive form of periodontal disease called periodontitis. To treat periodontitis, Dr. Martin Urban, DDS will need to perform scaling and root planing.

Teeth scaling and root planing causes very little discomfort and can be completed in one single visit. During the teeth scaling process, Dr. Martin Urban, DDS will numb the gums and tooth roots with local anesthesia. He will then use special tools to remove the hardened deposits of tartar from the teeth both above and below the gum line. Root planing involves detailed scaling of the root surface to decrease inflammation of the gum tissue. After this procedure is complete, you will need to maintain proper oral care habits to prevent accumulation from returning.

If you have questions or concerns regarding periodontal disease, please give us a call. To learn about services we provide at the practice, visit for more information. To schedule an appointment with Dr. Martin Urban, DDS in Boston, MA, call 508-425-9640. 

Thursday, June 21, 2018

Dental Implant Placement

A dental implant is actually a replacement for the root or roots of a tooth. Like tooth roots, dental implants are secured in the jawbone and are not visible once surgically placed. They are used to secure crowns, bridgework or dentures by a variety of means. Dental implants are permanent and look and feel like real teeth. There are two different types of dental implants: endosteal and subperiosteal. Dr. Martin Urban, DDS, can perform the entire implant process over a course of two months.

As with any major dental procedure, or surgery in general, some discomfort is to be expected during the recovery process since it is a surgery that typically involves removing teeth, cutting gums, drilling into the jawbone and inserting a titanium post. The procedure itself is not painful since it is performed with either general or local anesthesia to completely numb your mouth. If you’re anxious about the discomfort during the procedure and being aware of drilling noises and forces being applied to your mouth, please ask us about our sedation options.

If you have questions or concerns regarding dental implants, please give us a call. To learn about services we provide at the practice, visit for more information. To schedule an appointment with Dr. Martin Urban, DDS in Boston, MA, call 508-425-9640.

Tuesday, June 12, 2018

Benefits of Dental Implants

Having missing teeth can be embarrassing, and if left untreated, will only get worse. This is why Dr. Martin Urban, DDS offers dental implants to his patients. Dental implants provide a more natural tooth replacement because they are artificial teeth that are attached directly to the jawbone. Other options can lead to bone deterioration and may interfere with eating, smiling, speaking and other daily activities.

A face without teeth can sag and make you appear older than your actual age, but dental implants allow you to maintain the natural shape of your face and smile. While dental implants may need periodic adjustments, they can last a lifetime when properly placed and cared for over time. Dental implant treatment has a track record of reliable, long-term successful outcomes and is often considered a more durable option than other treatments to repair or replace missing teeth.

If you have questions or concerns regarding dental implants, please give us a call. To learn about services we provide at the practice, visit for more information. To schedule an appointment with Dr. Martin Urban, DDS in Boston, MA, call 508-425-9640. 

Tuesday, June 5, 2018

Periodontal Disease: Periodontitis

If gingivitis is left untreated, it will advance to the second stage of periodontal disease, known as periodontitis. Periodontitis is a more aggressive form of gum disease because it has the ability to destroy the tissues surrounding the teeth which can lead to potential tooth loss. Untreated periodontitis will not only result in tooth loss, it may also increase the risk of stroke, and heart attack. Don’t let your oral health status reach this level, instead schedule a consultation with Dr. Martin Urban, DDS.

There are several forms of periodontitis – chronic, aggressive, and necrotizing. Imagine these stages moving from bad to worse. Chronic periodontitis is the most common and affects most adults. This type is caused by plaque buildup and involves slow deterioration that can cause destruction to the teeth. Signs and symptoms of periodontitis include swollen or puffy gums, gums that bleed easily, bad breath, loose teeth, and painful chewing. Treatment will depend on the level of severity.

If you have questions or concerns regarding periodontal disease, please give us a call. To learn about services we provide at the practice, visit for more information. To schedule an appointment with Dr. Martin Urban, DDS in Boston, MA, call 508-425-9640. 

Wednesday, May 30, 2018

Periodontal Disease: Gingivitis

If you don’t maintain an adequate oral care routine, your gums will begin to develop gingivitis. Gingivitis is the earliest stage of gum disease, and though it’s reversible, prevention is important. Gum disease, also known as periodontal disease, is the infection of the tissues that surround the teeth and is caused by a buildup of plaque. Healthy gums are firm, and pale pink in color, if they are any other color, it’s important to visit Dr. Martin Urban, DDS to get the problem under control.

Bacteria will cause an inflammation of the gums and is usually left on the teeth from dental plaque. Dental plaque accrues after eating foods that are high in sugar and carbohydrates. Because bacteria thrive in a warm environment, it’s important to brush the teeth at least twice a day and floss at least once a day to keep them clean. If you spit a little blood in the sink while doing so, know that gingivitis is reversible if you can maintain flossing for at least seven days. Additionally, it’s important to schedule professional cleanings twice a year to prevent periodontal disease from becoming worse.

If you have questions or concerns regarding periodontal disease, please give us a call. To learn about services we provide at the practice, visit for more information. To schedule an appointment with Dr. Martin Urban, DDS in Boston, MA, call 508-425-9640.