Wednesday, June 27, 2018

Scaling and Root Planing

If you don’t visit the dentist twice a year, or brush and floss your teeth on a daily basis, the dental plaque that accumulates from the foods you eat will begin to harden on the teeth and turn into tartar. Excessive tartar buildup may cause gums to recede, eventually leading to an aggressive form of periodontal disease called periodontitis. To treat periodontitis, Dr. Martin Urban, DDS will need to perform scaling and root planing.

Teeth scaling and root planing causes very little discomfort and can be completed in one single visit. During the teeth scaling process, Dr. Martin Urban, DDS will numb the gums and tooth roots with local anesthesia. He will then use special tools to remove the hardened deposits of tartar from the teeth both above and below the gum line. Root planing involves detailed scaling of the root surface to decrease inflammation of the gum tissue. After this procedure is complete, you will need to maintain proper oral care habits to prevent accumulation from returning.

If you have questions or concerns regarding periodontal disease, please give us a call. To learn about services we provide at the practice, visit for more information. To schedule an appointment with Dr. Martin Urban, DDS in Boston, MA, call 508-425-9640. 

Thursday, June 21, 2018

Dental Implant Placement

A dental implant is actually a replacement for the root or roots of a tooth. Like tooth roots, dental implants are secured in the jawbone and are not visible once surgically placed. They are used to secure crowns, bridgework or dentures by a variety of means. Dental implants are permanent and look and feel like real teeth. There are two different types of dental implants: endosteal and subperiosteal. Dr. Martin Urban, DDS, can perform the entire implant process over a course of two months.

As with any major dental procedure, or surgery in general, some discomfort is to be expected during the recovery process since it is a surgery that typically involves removing teeth, cutting gums, drilling into the jawbone and inserting a titanium post. The procedure itself is not painful since it is performed with either general or local anesthesia to completely numb your mouth. If you’re anxious about the discomfort during the procedure and being aware of drilling noises and forces being applied to your mouth, please ask us about our sedation options.

If you have questions or concerns regarding dental implants, please give us a call. To learn about services we provide at the practice, visit for more information. To schedule an appointment with Dr. Martin Urban, DDS in Boston, MA, call 508-425-9640.

Tuesday, June 12, 2018

Benefits of Dental Implants

Having missing teeth can be embarrassing, and if left untreated, will only get worse. This is why Dr. Martin Urban, DDS offers dental implants to his patients. Dental implants provide a more natural tooth replacement because they are artificial teeth that are attached directly to the jawbone. Other options can lead to bone deterioration and may interfere with eating, smiling, speaking and other daily activities.

A face without teeth can sag and make you appear older than your actual age, but dental implants allow you to maintain the natural shape of your face and smile. While dental implants may need periodic adjustments, they can last a lifetime when properly placed and cared for over time. Dental implant treatment has a track record of reliable, long-term successful outcomes and is often considered a more durable option than other treatments to repair or replace missing teeth.

If you have questions or concerns regarding dental implants, please give us a call. To learn about services we provide at the practice, visit for more information. To schedule an appointment with Dr. Martin Urban, DDS in Boston, MA, call 508-425-9640. 

Tuesday, June 5, 2018

Periodontal Disease: Periodontitis

If gingivitis is left untreated, it will advance to the second stage of periodontal disease, known as periodontitis. Periodontitis is a more aggressive form of gum disease because it has the ability to destroy the tissues surrounding the teeth which can lead to potential tooth loss. Untreated periodontitis will not only result in tooth loss, it may also increase the risk of stroke, and heart attack. Don’t let your oral health status reach this level, instead schedule a consultation with Dr. Martin Urban, DDS.

There are several forms of periodontitis – chronic, aggressive, and necrotizing. Imagine these stages moving from bad to worse. Chronic periodontitis is the most common and affects most adults. This type is caused by plaque buildup and involves slow deterioration that can cause destruction to the teeth. Signs and symptoms of periodontitis include swollen or puffy gums, gums that bleed easily, bad breath, loose teeth, and painful chewing. Treatment will depend on the level of severity.

If you have questions or concerns regarding periodontal disease, please give us a call. To learn about services we provide at the practice, visit for more information. To schedule an appointment with Dr. Martin Urban, DDS in Boston, MA, call 508-425-9640.