Wednesday, November 14, 2018

Dental Bridges

If you are missing a tooth, you should strongly consider having it replaced. Besides the aesthetic disadvantage of missing a tooth, it could also cause changes to the position of other teeth in your mouth and may also affect your ability to chew effectively. If you have areas of missing teeth and are considering replacing them, Dr. Martin Urban, DDS may recommend a dental bridge.

The process of creating a bridge begins by reshaping the anchor teeth (abutments) to which the bridge will be attached. After the anchor teeth are prepared, an impression of the teeth is taken and sent to a dental lab. The lab is able to use the impression to create a model of the teeth as they appear in the patient's mouth. Then a bridge is custom-made to properly fit and feel as close to natural teeth as possible. The bridge consists of crowns that cover the anchor teeth and a pontic (or pontics), which look like and act as the "replacement tooth or teeth."

If you have questions or concerns regarding implant dentistry or periodontal therapy, please give us a call. To learn about the services we provide at the practice, visit for more information. To schedule an appointment with Dr. Martin Urban, DDS in Boston, MA, call 508-425-9640. 

Thursday, November 8, 2018

Mini Dental Implants

 Mini implants are similar to regular implants but are smaller, often less than 2mm in diameter. If you are missing one or more teeth or experiencing discomfort with your dentures than mini implants can serve as long-term support. Dr. Martin Urban, DDS can provide support and guidance for dental implant patients and help educate them on the options available for improving their comfort and confidence.

The main use for mini implants is to install a full upper or lower denture. A series of mini implants (4-6) are placed along the gum line and they serve as the base of the denture. Rather than placing a single implant for a single tooth, an entire lower or upper set of teeth are directly attached to the gumline. The direct placement of mini implants through the gum with no incision allows for a minimally invasive procedure. The mini implants can usually be inserted right through the gum into the bone. This eliminates the need for a recovery period, and the restoration can usually be placed right away or only a short time after. Most patients experience immediate results and can often eat their first meal within a few hours.

If you have questions or concerns regarding implant dentistry or periodontal therapy, please give us a call. To learn about the services we provide at the practice, visit for more information. To schedule an appointment with Dr. Martin Urban, DDS in Boston, MA, call 508-425-9640. 

Monday, November 5, 2018

Implant Oral Care

Caring for a dental implant is just as important as caring for a natural tooth. To ensure the long life of an implant, it’s important that you take the necessary steps that Dr. Martin Urban, DDS suggests to prevent implant failure. Lifestyle habits such as smoking should be stopped immediately, and your oral care routine will need to be amped up to make a healthy recovery and maintain a healthy smile.

During the post-operative process, it’s important to keep the implant clean at all times. Dr. Martin Urban, DDS will provide you with personalized instructions that are needed for your implant. To ensure a safe implant process, the teeth should be thoroughly brushed and flossed to prevent inflammation of the tissues surrounding the implant. You should pay extra attention to the area around the implant but always brush gently to prevent sensitivity. Dr. Martin Urban, DDS may suggest scheduling a check-up every three months after the implant process to assess that everything is going smoothly.

If you have questions or concerns regarding implant dentistry or periodontal therapy, please give us a call. To learn about the services we provide at the practice, visit for more information. To schedule an appointment with Dr. Martin Urban, DDS in Boston, MA, call 508-425-9640.