Thursday, December 26, 2019

Post-Extraction Care

It’s scary to get a tooth removed, but in reality, it’s a very straightforward process. Complications are exceedingly rare. This is because Dr. Martin Urban of Martin Urban, DDS provides you with quality post-operative care! Following these instructions guarantees a healthy and successful recovery. If you require extraction or want to learn more, contact our office in Waltham, MA.


You put your entire health and procedure in danger when you neglect your recovery care. It’s possible to develop a dry socket or infection. When a tooth is removed, a blood clot forms in its place. This stops the bleeding and starts the healing process. A dry socket happens when the blood clot dissolves or dislodges. This means that it’s knocked out-of-place. Follow your post-operative care and this small guide to prevent this.


Your body has numerous responses to an injury. One of the most common is swelling. This isn’t any different when it comes to teeth extraction. To minimize the pain, utilize ice packs. Apply these to your face in 20-25 minute intervals. Continue doing this for two whole days or until the swelling goes down. Your Waltham, MA, assures that this is a great way to combat pain. If your tooth was infected before removal, a warm compress is better suited.


Don’t fret at the amount of bleeding after. Your head holds a large amount of your body’s blood. Keep pressure on the removal site for a minimum of 30 minutes. Holding the gauze in place will do the trick. Some patients prefer using tea bags to gauze. This is because tea contains tannic acid, a natural clotting agent. It restricts the blood vessels to lighten the bleeding.


It’s important not to eat or drink for at least two hours after your surgery. You also need to rest to avoid popping your stitches. Be very gentle when engaging in any physical activity. When you do eat, make sure these are soft foods. A few common examples are pudding, ice cream, jello, and mashed potatoes. Avoid acidic drinks like soda, along with harder foods like popcorn or peanuts.


Following these guidelines is the best way to recover. If you have any questions or concerns before or after an extraction, contact Martin Urban, DDS. To schedule an appointment with Dr. Martin Urban, visit his website or call 508-425-9640.

Thursday, December 19, 2019


All patients are welcome at Martin Urban, DDS. Located in Waltham, MA, Dr. Martin Urban treats pediatric dental conditions. This includes the problem known as Fluorosis. This happens when a child is exposed to large amounts of fluoride. Though it isn’t harmful, it stains the teeth with white, thin streaks. With all health concerns, prevention is the key! Learn how you can stop Fluorosis in its tracks.


Children are the only ones who have fluorosis. This is due to it only affecting the developing teeth. Once they erupt from the gum line, children are no longer at risk. Fluoride naturally occurs in our water supply and is not a dangerous mineral. Your child requires a dental examination because it possibly indicates that they are ingesting too much fluoride.


The best way to deter fluorosis in children under the age of three is through breastfeeding. It provides all the nutritional sustenance that a child needs. As mentioned, we ingest the majority of our fluoride through drinking water. Most baby formulas require you add in water. This is what puts them at risk for fluorosis. There are other ways a small child develops this condition. Pay attention to how much toothpaste they are using. Your Waltham, MA, dentist recommends brushing your child’s teeth as soon as they start emerging. Yet children under the age of three shouldn’t use more than a grain of rice worth of toothpaste. Following these suggestions keep your child’s teeth healthy and happy!


Your child must start brushing twice daily once they reach three years old. Again, it’s important to monitor how much toothpaste they are using. It should never be more than a pea-sized amount each time. Double-check that they are spitting out the toothpaste and not swallowing it. This is also the reason that other dental products, like mouthwash, aren’t recommended for children under the age of six.


If you have any questions or are worried that your child has fluorosis, contact Martin Urban, DDS. To schedule an appointment with Dr. Martin Urban, visit his website or call 508-425-9640.

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Tooth Extraction Site Preservation

Sometimes pulling teeth is a necessary procedure for overcrowding in the mouth or infection due to tooth decay. It isn’t a procedure to be taken lightly. Like wisdom teeth removal where they are located in the back of the mouth and sutures are used, the tooth extraction site essentially becomes an open wound, one that needs to be monitored and given time to heal. We at Martin Urban, DDS understand that getting a tooth pulled isn’t very fun, but we are committed to making the procedure and healing process as comfortable as we can for our patients. 

If you ever think your healing process doesn’t feel normal, you should contact your dentist. Signs of complications include:

- Cough, shortness of breath, or chest pain

- Severe nausea or vomiting

- Redness, swelling, or excessive discharge from the extraction site

- Signs of infection, such as fever and chills

Something else to keep in mind when removing teeth is what to do with that open space once it has healed. If a tooth is removed and nothing is done to the extraction site, your jaw bone will degenerate and change shape while the site heals. This can create problems in your bite and may affect chewing and speaking. Make sure you and your dentist come up with a plan to fill this space.

Martin Urban, DDS practices at 976 Main St. in Waltham, MA 02453. For more information on tooth extractions or to schedule an appointment, please visit or call 508-425-9640.