Monday, May 20, 2019

The Importance of Flossing

At Dr. Martin Urban, DDS, we advise our patients to floss every day to maintain good oral hygiene. Flossing removes plaque that is hard to reach and can lead to cavities if not cleaned daily. Brushing only removes 60% of bacteria and plaque on your teeth, while flossing removes the other 40%. 

We encourage our patients to use a piece of floss that is 15 to 18 inches long in a ‘C’ shape for the best flossing job. If you have trouble flossing we recommend you to try plaque removers that allow you to floss between your teeth with one hand.

The type of floss you use isn't as important as long as you are flossing daily We caution are patients to not worry if there is blood when you are flossing, it just means your gums are inflamed because of plaque buildup.

Remember to floss daily to keep your teeth clean and healthy!

If you have any questions or concerns, please give us a call. To learn more about the treatment provided at the dental practice of Dr. Martin Urban, DDS, visit for more information. To schedule an appointment with Dr. Martin Urban, DDS in Boston, MA, call 508-425-9640 

Monday, May 13, 2019

Dental Phobia

At Dr. Martin Urban, DDS we want our patients who suffer from Dental Phobia to have a good experience at the dentist.  Studies have shown that about 9% to 15% of people avoid going to the dentist every year due to dental phobia. It is important to get your teeth cleaned twice a year to maintain good dental hygiene. Patients who suffer from dental phobia have a greater chance of developing gum disease and tooth decay.

To make patients feel more comfortable before their visit, our staff will discuss any concerns or fears you may have.  Some signs that you might have dental phobia include tense or nervousness, sleepless nights before the dentist, and the thought of the dentist makes you feel sick.

We encourage our patients to ask us questions before your appointment so we can make you feel more comfortable. Your concerns are our number one priority and we are happy to discuss what can help to ease your fears.

If you have any questions or concerns, please give us a call. To learn more about the treatment provided at the dental practice of Dr. Martin Urban, DDS, visit for more information. To schedule an appointment with Dr. Martin Urban, DDS in Boston, MA, call 508-425-9640. 

Monday, May 6, 2019

Bone Grafting

A bone graft is a dental procedure that is needed when a patients jawbone isn't able to support a dental implant or restorative device. It also repairs botched implant sites, structural damage, gum disease, and injuries. The bone graft, once placed and healed, strengthens the jaw for other procedures. Dr. Martin Urban, D.D.S. of Martin Urban DDS LLC in Waltham, offers bone grafting services.


An implant or replacement tooth can’t be placed if the jaw is not large enough or strong enough. With the majority of cases, this is caused by missing teeth. Teeth are needed to keep the bone and tissue strong. Without it, the jaw bone will disintegrate. An x-ray will allow us to see the state and size of the remaining bone. This lets Dr. Urban evaluate and decide if a bone graft is necessary. If so, the bone will either be taken from another area of the mouth or received from a tissue bank.


At the procedure, you will be placed under general anesthesia. A cut or incision will be made along the jawbone. The bone graft will be inserted and held in place using pins, plates, screws, wires, and/or cables. Upon completion, the incision will be stitched and bandaged.


Recovery depends on the patient's health and the size of the graft. It can take from two weeks to up to a year. Make sure to follow any post-operative instructions given by Dr. Urban and our staff. Regular appointments will make sure your recovery is on track, and allow detection of any issues.


If you are in need of a bone graft, contact Dr. Martin Urban, D.D.S. of Martin Ubran DDS LLC. Our office is located in Waltham, MA. To schedule an appointment, visit our website or call 508-425-9640.